Friday Evening Announcements:
Saturday Morning Announcements:
Saturday Evening Announcements:
Sunday Morning Announcements:
- If you haven’t checked in yet, meet with Ali and Zachary Grudem in the back of the chapel
- Quiet hours - please respect the camp and other people who live and work here by being quiet from 12am-7am.
- Dining Locations
- SDSU’s dining location is the Miracle Lodge Riverside Room (Main Level)
- Everyone else’s dining location is the dining hall/founder’s lodge
Saturday Morning Announcements:
- Workshops are at 10:30am and the title and location for the one you registered for is on your nametag.
- Sign up for the spikeball tournament and/or find out about other free time activities in your program!
Saturday Evening Announcements:
- Line Dancing in the Rec at 9:45
- Secondhand Lions movie showing in the chapel at 9:45
Sunday Morning Announcements:
- Please Take a moment to fill out the conference feedback form you will receive via email in the next couple of days! We really want to hear from you, how we can continue to improve this weekend.
- Please take special care to clean up everything in your space. The camp has asked that we clean up trash after ourselves from the lodging spaces.
- Please leave your nametag holder in the fabric bin in the back of the chapel
- Connect with your campus director for where you’ll take your campus picture.
- Drive safely! We loved having you this weekend and are praying for your processing, conversations, and application of what the Lord has spoken to you this weekend.