Restore Ukraine venmo: @RestoreUkraine
Saturday Evening Fun Options:
Campus Hangout/Discussion Locations:
Dining Locations:
Impact Session Locations
Saturday Afternoon Fun Options
- Last 4 of phone number: 8842
Saturday Evening Fun Options:
- Line Dancing in the Rec Center!
- Movie in the Chapel
- Quiet Space for studying - Miracle Lodge Jacobs Room (lower level)
- Bonfire by the big red chair outside of the Miracle Lodge
- Tables for games - Chalet, Ole' Red Barn, or Chapel after the movie
- *NOT* Miracle Lodge Riverside Room or Dining Hall (out of respect for people sleeping)
Campus Hangout/Discussion Locations:
- Michigan Tech - Chalet
- SDSU - Dining Hall
- Univ of MN - Duluth - Miracle Lodge Saints Room (lower level)
- UM-TC/MCTC/Century - Miracle Lodge Jacobs Room (lower level)
- UW - River Falls - Ole' Red Barn
- UW - Madison - Miracle Lodge Riverside Room (main level)
Dining Locations:
- SDSU in the Miracle Lodge Riverside Room (main level)
- All others in the Founders Lodge/Dining Hall
Impact Session Locations
- Eagle Lake STP - Chapel
- Japan/Romania Mission Trip - Ole' Red Barn
- EDGE Corps - Miracle Lodge Riverside Room (main level)
- Nav20's - Miracle Lodge Saints Room (lower level)
- International Student Ministry - Chalet
- iEDGE - Miracle Lodge Jacobs Room (lower level)
Saturday Afternoon Fun Options
- Epic Spikeball tournament (follow link to signup) in Rec Center
- Nature Walks
- Tables for games Miracle Lodge - Riverside Room (main level)
- Quiet Space for studying Miracle Lodge - Jacobs room (lower level)
- Mini-golf (clubs/balls near hole #1)
- Outdoor basketball courts
- Disc Golf